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English With Feriel commits to the CPF (in France : a personal training account) code of ethics

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

Charte de déontologie CPF compte de formation

At the end of 2021, the "Fédération des Acteurs de la Compétence" published a code of ethics to sell services qualified for the Personal Training Account (CPF).

This charter aims to promote the values of transparency, loyalty, and professional ethics, which are essential to developing a quality training offer.

By adhering to this charter, English with Feriel commits to offering better commercial practices and contributes to improving the quality of the offer available on the CPF.

1- I have a Qualiopi certification as a prerequisite for the promotion and sale of services eligible for the CPF, as of January 1, 2022

2- In the context of a certification training, I guarantee that :

  • I am the owner of the targeted professional certification

  • I make every effort to ensure that the learner who has completed a certified training within my organization can pass his/her certification

3- I present my offer fairly, regardless of the communication medium (website, mailing, telephone canvassing, posting, etc.), refraining from attracting or misleading the consumer by:

  • Highlighting a supposed free of charge of all or part of the service

  • Highlighting gifts to customers (e.g., computer, tablet, etc.)

  • Failure to comply with the rules for using the MonCompteFormation brand, charter, or logo

  • Usurpation of any representation of public authorities or any other institutional sign or symbol with the sole purpose of creating ambiguity about my real identity

4- I control the use of subcontracting for which I am the guarantor, whatever its purpose and in particular:

  • I forbid myself, and all my partners, any aggressive or misleading practice of commercial canvassing

  • I forbid my subcontractor to have recourse to subcontracting himself

5- I provide the consumer with all guarantees against the Usurpation of his Social Security number or his Compte Personnel de Formation, and I forbid myself, in particular, to usurp the identifiers of a third party to use his account

6- I inform in advance of the costs covered by the Compte Personnel de Formation and of any additional costs

7- I facilitate the search on MonCompteFormation by not duplicating similar actions in the training catalog with the sole purpose of optimizing my positioning in the search engine - whose neutrality is ensured by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations

8- I provide an assessment prior to the training to adapt the service to the needs of the person, if necessary

9- In the context of training that is wholly or partly distance learning, I guarantee:

  • An appropriate technical and pedagogical assistance to accompany the beneficiary in the course of his journey

  • A clear communication on the educational activities to be carried out long-distance and their average duration

  • Assessments during or at the end of the training

10- In case of a dispute, I offer all customers an amicable and free recourse through a consumer mediation service

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