tell me more
The N(euro)
refers to Neuroscience, to the knowledge we have of the brain and the way it learns. A lot of research has been and is actually being done on understanding how the brain learns best. I'm constantly learning about the brain and trying to stay up to date in order to help you learn in the most efficient way.
The L(anguage)
refers to why you are here, on my website :-)
to learn
to improve
to feel more confident
to overcome barriers
to progress
to discover
in a given language. The languages I can best help you with are French and English.
The C(oaching)
A neurolanguage Coach is certified by a training course that the International Coach Federation accredits. Hence, during our sessions, I will be applying the coaching ethics and standards, competences, coaching models, goal and action-setting, to the language learning process.As a neurolanguage coach, I will bring an awareness about the brain into the learning process. I will always aim to learn more about the brain and share this “brain-based” information with you, the learner, whenever needed.
so what happens during our sessions together?
Well, during our sessions together, I'll be helping you learn the language one step at a time by
recognizing social and emotional pain, fear, and anxiety of speaking foreign languages and expertly coaching you around those triggers if needed.
delivering constant brain-friendly coaching conversations through the awareness of how the “fight or flight” state may be triggered when learning a language.
transforming grammar into interesting, live, interactive, authentic, and personal conversations, which will constantly lead you to “aha” moments.
helping you connect with your inner motivation and keeping you motivated throughout the learning process.
encouraging you to really become an independent learner and tap into your own learning resources so you can achieve a faster and more effective learning process.
highlighting the importance of connecting your native to your target language wherever possible and “disconnecting” wherever there are false friends; making you aware of bridges between the language you are learning and your native language, thus enhancing memory retention and creating new neural networks.
staying fully conscious of the cost-effectiveness of the process and getting you to take ownership and responsibility for the learning so that there is a constant connection to results and goal achievement and a continuous review of progress.
What's the difference between Language Teaching and Neurolanguage Coaching ® ?
Neurolanguage Coaching®, as developed by Rachel Paling, differs from traditional language teaching in several key aspects:
1. Integration of Neuroscience: Neurolanguage Coaching incorporates neuroscience principles to optimize the learning process. During our sessions together, we focus on how the brain learns best, creating a brain-friendly environment that enhances language acquisition. Traditional language teaching does not typically integrate such scientific insights into its methodology.
2. Role of the Learner: In Neurolanguage Coaching, you (the coachee) are actively involved in your learning journey. We work collaboratively to set personalized goals and you decide on the actions you want to put in place to reach your goals. You take ownership of your progress. I'm a facilitator, a supporter, a GPS, an accountability partner, but rarely a teacher. This contrasts with traditional teaching, where learners often follow a set curriculum and play a more passive role.
3. Coaching Relationship: The relationship between you (the learner) and me (the coach) is based on equality and trust. Again, I act as a facilitator, helping you overcome emotional barriers (such as fear and embarrassment) and limiting believes (such as lack of confidence), which hinder language learning. Traditional teaching often involves a hierarchical dynamic, with the teacher directing the learning process.
4. Flexibility and Personalization: Neurolanguage Coaching is highly adaptable to the individual needs of each learner, without relying on textbooks. It focuses on clear, structured targets tailored to the learner's specific goals. In contrast, traditional language teaching typically follows a standardized curriculum.
I could go on forever writing about Neurolanguage Coaching, but I think the best thing to do is to give it a try :-)
Overall, Neurolanguage Coaching offers a more personalized, brain-based approach to language learning, emphasizing learner empowerment, the application of neuroscience and proven coaching models to facilitate faster and more effective language acquisition.