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Do you feel (alone or lonely) when you work from home (alone or lonely) ?

French summary just a little lower

At a time when many of us are under full or partial lock down, this could be a good question to ask when checking in with your loved ones, your friends, colleagues.

sitting and facing the sea, alone

Lonely is a feeling. You can feel lonely in the middle of a crowd - ex: It feels very lonely when you're the only one who doesn't speak English in a meeting.

Alone is when you are with noone else in a space - ex: today, I was alone at the office.

On you're own is either when you are alone in a space or when you are doing something all bu yourself - ex: This is too much work, I couldn't possibly do it on my own.

All by yourself is when you are doing something with no one else - without anyone else _ many of you are familiar with the high note that a lot of singers have hit when singing "all by myself"

Without anyone else is when you are your own or when you are by yourself ! It can be forced on you or it can some delicous alone time !

"I was home alone the other day and felt lonely so I decided to redecorate my living room on my own. When my partner came home and asked me why I hadn't waited for him, I answered "because I wanted to do it all by myself". :-)

J'étais toute seule à la maison et je me sentais seule alors j'ai décidé de redécorer mon salon toute seule. Quand mon conjoint est rentré il m'a demandé pourquoi je ne l'avais pas attendu. Je lui ai répondu "parce que je voulais le faire (toute) seule".

Je résume en français au cas où:

  • Lonely - sentiment de solitude

  • Alone - seul.e

  • On your own - seul.e (littéralement : intraduisible!)

  • (all) By yourself - tout.e seul.e (littéralement : par soi-même)

  • Without anyone - sans personne (with noone)

Question? Comments? :-)

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