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Bilingual news and shares about the brain, languages and coaching

Newsletter 6 - Silence

the L in NeuroLanguage Coaching®

“Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than the silence.”

“N'ouvre la bouche que si ce que tu vas dire est plus beau que le silence.”

I don’t know why, but when I was deciding what my next newsletter would be, the word silence resonated very loudly in my mind (pun intended).

After writing (in last week's newsletter) about the importance of silence for the brain, today I'm sharing part of my latest blog post about the importance of silence in Language learning.

Did you know that when learning a new language, people (children and adults) go through a "silent period"?

"The silent period is a phase reported to have been observed in second-language acquisition where the learner does not yet produce but is actively processing the second language." (Wikipedia)

I’ve had someone tell me once “but if I don’t talk during meetings, they’ll think I’m stupid because I have nothing to say’. That’s a loaded sentence. The type of sentence that I, as a coach, absolutely love.

Until you have enough language skills and/or confidence to speak up, use silence to your advantage:

  • Use your silent listening during meetings to really focus on the language instead of being frustrated with yourself. Make it an opportunity to learn. (more details on how to do that in my blog post)

  • If you work on Teams or Zoom, ask the meeting organizer if they can record the meeting so you can listen to it afterwards.

  • Ask a colleague that speaks more fluently if you can talk together.

  • Prepare a few sentences ahead of time.

  • Easier said than done : always remember that nobody worthwhile will ever think less of you because you don't speak a second language as well as they speak their first language.

  • Easy to do : Sit in silence for a few minutes before your meeting. Breathe calmly. Everything is going to be ok.

blog Silence and language learning (

I'd love to know more! Click here to book a discovery call

If you're curious about my sources or want to know more about silence you should click here

And if you want to go back on my other newsletters that cover all kinds of brain related, language related, coaching related fascinating subjects, I suggest you go to my newsletter webpage

If you know anyone who'd be interested in signing up for my newsletter, don't hesitate to forward this newsletter to them :-)

Neurolanguage Coaching® is an amazing method that will help you learn a language more efficiently than you've ever experienced before. It brings together findings about how the brain learns bests and integrates these into a coaching process that will put you in charge of YOUR learning journey. As a Coach, I'm  the GPS to your driving. If you want to try it but are not ready to commit, I have a 2H Discovery Offer that might be just what you're looking for. Or we can just have a casual chat about it, just reply to this email.

Good to know

The Neurolanguage Coaching® certification is accredited by the ICF

 La certification est accreditée par la Fédération Internationale de Coaching

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