Newsletter 6
Links and Ressources about Silence
"a couple of hours of continued silence can produce new brain cells in the area connected to memory".
There's so much incredible and very useful information in this video.
Listen attentively and then take a silent break.
"Silence helps with the transfer of information from the long term memory to the short term memory".
Let's link this information to your language learning :
what if after doing an activity geared towards your language learning, you take a few minutes in silence to let it all sink in?
If you allow space for silence in your conversations, you may engage more of your own mind and that of the other persons" - Celeste Headlee
"We're not listening to each other"- Celeste Headlee
If you prefer reading instead of watching a video, here are a couple of very interesting articles on the subject.
Why Silence Is So Good For Your Brain | HuffPost Impact
The Power of Silence In Conversation - TD Jakes
The Power Of Silence - Corporate Communication Experts
Shut Up! Why Practicing Silence Will Make You Look Smart. | by Adrian
V. Cole | Ascent Publication (