Newsletter 19
Links and Ressources about "Goal Setting"
Why Setting Goals is Crucial
"Goal setting is the most crucial aspect of actually setting a goal.If you don't have a goal or a dream that you're striving for, aiming at, working towards, the world is just gonna pass you by like you're standing still."
Goal Setting Is a Hamster Wheel. Learn to Set Systems Instead
"swapping quantitative goals for qualitative systems—like writing every morning with no word target, or running in a new environment each week—that nourish you psychologically, and are independently rewarding each time you do them."
Forget about setting goals
"a system that creates good habit effortlessly and let’s you achieve your goals as a consequence of your system rather than saying it’s all about the goal”
This video is very long but there's tons of info in it
Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast - YouTube
And here are some great articles
(there's a lot more, I had to make a choice)
Goals, Motivation and the Brain | Psychology Today
The Neuroscience of Goal-Setting and Its Impact on Your Culture - Culture Partners
Zeigarnik Effect Examples in Psychology (simplypsychology.org)
The Neuroscience of Goals and Behavior Change - PMC (nih.gov)
Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice
Goal Setting Research - Happier Human
New Developments in and Directions for Goal-Setting Research