Newsletter 28
Links and Ressources about Confidence
Use Neurobiology to Beat Anxiety and Find Confidence
"Anxiety can prevent you from living your best life, making the world seem threatening and dangerous. However, by understanding how anxiety tricks your brain, you can learn to transform it into confidence. In the brain, anxiety appears to result from the activity of a network of regions, including the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hypothalamus, insula, cingulate cortex, brain stem, and thalamus."
3 Tips to boost your confidence
"If you have a fixed mindset, meaning that you think your talents are locked in place, you might give up, assuming you’ve discovered something you’re not very good at. But if you have a growth mindset and believe your abilities can improve, a challenge becomes an opportunity to learn and grow."
How to build your confidence
"Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows. Confidence is the difference between being inspired and actually getting started, between trying and doing until it's done. Confidence keeps us moving forward, even when we fail."
And here are some great articles
(there's a lot more, I had to make a choice)
6 tips for boosting your confidence when learning a language (youtube.com)
Confidence response times: Challenging postdecisional models of confidence - PMC (nih.gov)
The Influence of Self Confidence on English Language Learning - A systematic Review