Newsletter 3
Links and Ressources - the N Don't worry, be happy
If you think positive thoughts, you can encourage your brain to release hormones such as dopamine, oxytocine, seratonine that seem to be very much involved in memory and learning.
So why not try to overcome those negative emotions and show your brain who's the boss ;-)
When we experience something positive, our brain releases hormones such as dopamine, oxytocine, or seratonine. Recent discoveries about the brain point to the fact that these hormones have a positive effect on our memory as well as on our brain’s ability to learn. So don't choose a language learning activity because you think it's efficient but because you enjoy doing it. And as you enjoy it, your brain will release yet more of these hormones (let's call it a healthy addiction, the addiction to learn a language!)
“May your cortisol levels stay low, your dopamine levels high, your oxytocin run thick and rich, your serotonin build to a lovely plateau, and your ability to watch your brain at work keep you fascinated until your last breath. I wish you well on your journey.”
― David Rock, Your Brain at Work
"There is a large and growing body of research which indicates that people experiencing positive emotions perceive more options when trying to solve problems, solve more non-linear problems that require insight, [and they] collaborate better and generally perform better overall."
― David Rock, Co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute