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Bilingual news and shares about the brain, languages and coaching

Newsletter #17 - Fall (Autumn)

The N in NeuroLanguage Coaching

"- Qu'est-ce que l'automne? 

 - un 2e printemps où chaque feuille est une fleur” 

"- What is Autumn? - a 2nd spring where each leaf is a flower"

― Albert Camus (le Malentendu)

Autumn is a season of change not only for the nature around us but also for our body and most interestingly, for our brain. 

Read and learn :-)

Laughing woman

We (want to) sleep more

As the days grow shorter and sunlight decreases, our circadian rhythms can become disrupted. Many people sleep more (up to 2.5 hours more than in summer). Unfortunately, this biological need for extra sleep is linked to reduced exposure to ultraviolet rays, which affects the quality of our sleep - causing feelings of fatigue when we wake up.

We're (kinda) depressed

Changes in daily routines, such as returning to school or busier work schedules, increases stress and anxiety. 

Reduced sunlight can trigger symptoms resembling depression, referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). 

woman laughing

We eat more (comfort food)

Our bodies instinctively crave energy-dense foods like fats and carbohydrates - also known as comfort food yummy. 

This is a normal reaction to prepare for the leaner winter months. Staying physically active is particularly important to maintain health during autumn.

And more surprisingly and interestingly for us...

Our brains are on fire!

Did you know that the size of our brains - more specifically our cerebellum - increases or decreases in size depending on the season?!!

Other then that (very) surprising fact, Fall could possibly be a great time of year for learning and producing.


In a couple of studies about how seasonality affected our cognitive functions, fall was associated with

  • a better working memory (shorter term memory)


  • improved cognitive function in older adults in late summer and early fall compared to winter and spring.


  • an increase in productivity at work - cooler temperatures and shorter days make for less distractions by non-work related outdoors activities.


Changes in brain functions in autumn are in fact  likely influenced by :

  • temperature fluctuations

  • alterations in sleep patterns

  • changes in diet

  • shifts in hormonal levels

  • changes in social life


It's now or never folks: work on that language, your brain is prepped, your body wants to stay put :-)

I'd love to know more! (Click here to book a discovery call)

If you want to go back on my other newsletters that cover all kinds of brain related, language related, coaching related fascinating subjects, I suggest you go to my newsletters webpage.

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Neurolanguage Coaching® is an amazing method that will help you learn a language more efficiently than you've ever experienced before. It brings together findings about how the brain learns bests and integrates these into a coaching process that will put you in charge of YOUR learning journey. As a Coach, I'm  the GPS to your driving. If you want to try it but are not ready to commit, I have a 2H Discovery Offer that might be just what you're looking for. Or we can just have a casual chat about it, just reply to this email.

Good to know

The Neurolanguage Coaching® certification is accredited by the ICF

 La certification est accreditée par la Fédération Internationale de Coaching

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